Despite what your parents told you, you won’t get muscle cramps if you eat right before swimming. Yep, that’s a myth. And did you know that some light roast coffee actually has more caffeine than dark roast? That’s also a common misconception.
In today’s world, it can be difficult to determine myth from reality, fact from fiction. Sometimes you need to do a little extra research to form your own opinion or to get an accurate answer – Google searches, Wikipedia, and Facebook posts aren’t always the most reliable sources of information.
So it should be no surprise that when it comes to your Epic extension project, it can be easy to fall subject to some common misconceptions as well. For example, you may think that a smaller site will make for an easier implementation. Or that your partner organizations can be treated just like your owned sites. Not necessarily…
Despite what you may think or have heard from other organizations, these are some misconceptions we’ve heard from our client partners over the years. We’ve helped these organizations navigate the complex extension process, dispelling any misconceptions they may have had going into their project.
In our latest guide, 6 myths to overcome when extending your Epic system, we’ve compiled the most common misconceptions we’ve seen over the years.

If you’re in the process of extending your suite of applications to newly acquired sites, recent mergers, or to trusted affiliates via Community Connect, this guide will inform your planning, helping you set expectations and hone an approach to meet your organization’s specific goals and objectives.
While you may be facing a unique set of requirements for your extension project, you likely have concerns that are similar to those our partner organizations have experienced. And from this experience, we can tell you that the most successful organizations are those that acknowledge and overcome these myths before, during, and after the implementation.
If you’d like to discuss the specific challenges your organization is facing with its extension project, please schedule a meeting. We’d be happy to sit down with you to listen to your needs and develop a strategy that meets your organization’s goals.