Posts in: featured (10)

featured (10)

EHR consolidation: How to lead with empathy

In a merger or acquisition, successful leaders cultivate empathy and prioritize their people in consolidation planning, change management, and training.

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De-implementation: “Just say no” isn’t enough

In the latest Checkup, Dr. Craig Joseph shares why a well-thought-out research-backed de-implementation approach is needed to achieve better patient care.

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Freezing the squeeze: The three A’s of efficiency

External pressures continue to compound upon healthcare systems, making this year the most challenging for hospitals since the start of the pandemic.

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For physicians, less is often more

In the latest Checkup, Dr. Craig Joseph dives into decluttering technology and outdated clinical practices to alleviate physicians' workload.

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Curing the post-implementation blues

The cure for post-implementation blues lies in the ability to understand and plan for continual change.

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Healthcare is not aviation

Find out what the healthcare industry can learn from the world of aviation when it comes to safety reporting & data sharing in the latest Checkup from Craig Joseph, MD.

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The role of EHR extensions in enhancing patient care

Leveraging EHR extensions with a host-affiliate relationship allows systems to work together to achieve a holistic view of patients & provide better care.

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Can OpenNotes be too open?

Can OpenNotes be too open? In the latest Checkup, Dr. Craig Joseph lays out the pros and cons of OpenNote in healthcare systems.

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Overcoming frozen thinking in healthcare

Learn the indicators of frozen thinking and the advantages to a fluid approach in the latest Checkup from Dr. Craig Joseph.

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Meet the patient where they are (At the barber shop!)

Learn about the benefits of meeting patients where they are in the latest Checkup by Dr. Craig Joseph.

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Healthcare interoperability can put people first

A successful interoperability strategy pairs functional technology with the support to use it.

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The alchemy of care variation

Find out if care variation can provide new, evidence-based pathways and inform care transformation in the latest Checkup from Craig Joseph, MD.

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