Posts by: Dr. Craig Joseph, Chief Medical Officer


Where will “homeless data” live?

It’s estimated that we create 1.145 trillion MB of data every day. Can this data help our healthcare providers provide better care? Read more from Dr. Craig Joseph.


Should doctors care about your address?

A person's address is an excellent marker to determine social determinants of health but is also crucial to match disparate information across health systems. Learn more from Dr. Craig Joseph.


If you try sometimes, you get what you need

As more and more feral apps get introduced into the healthcare ecosystem, it’s critical that both physicians and IT teams get what they need from them. What is that exactly? Read more to find out.


You can't always get what you want

The apps that come with today’s EHRs may not be exactly what we want, but unfortunately, that’s what we get until true interoperability is achieved. Read more from CMO Dr. Craig Joseph.

healthcare consulting

The enigma of the edge case in healthcare

While AI may be useful in diagnosing standard cases, CMO Dr. Craig Joseph posits that, for now, only a highly-trained care team can spot the zebras.


Why we do what we do

Patients and their care should be the #1 reason for why we do the things we do in healthcare IT. Read more of this compelling story from Dr. Craig Joseph.

healthcare consulting

Everything old is new again

Comparing the AIDS epidemic to the COVID-19 pandemic, CMO Craig Joseph posits that our healthcare systems should learn and grow from past public health crises.


Must EHRs become platforms?

Must an EHR vendor become an EHR platform or risk facing extinction? Read more for Dr. Craig Joseph's insights.


Spelunking through the medical chart

Get your hard hat and flashlight ready for an adventure through the EHR. Find out why you’ll need them in the Checkup.

healthcare consulting

Primary care is an essential part of a usable healthcare system

Nordic’s CMO Dr. Craig Joseph argues that a usable healthcare system should be team-based with a user-centric healthcare IT system.

healthcare consulting

The good stuff is rarely learned in meetings

Though teleconferences and video calls have become the norm, Dr. Craig Joseph opines that in-person interactions still have tremendous value.


Patient identifiers: A solution whose time has come

Dr. Craig Joseph shares his thoughts on why patient identification tools are a necessity in the U.S. healthcare system.

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