Posts in: Culture (4)

Culture (4)

How one Nordic consultant helps serve Texas' homeless population

Senior Nordic Consultant Allison Cano gives back in her spare time by helping out Texas' homeless population in Dallas and Austin.

Culture (4)

Looking for mentorship and growth opportunities? Consider Managed Services.

Managed Services is a great fit for people who love to mentor others and grow their own skills. Kevin Bricker tells us why.

Culture (4)

How Haitian high schoolers made me a better healthcare consultant

Senior Consultant Eric Chow discusses his journey to help Haitian high schoolers develop a community garden in their hometown of Pignon.

Culture (4)

Tech-savvy and team-oriented? Managed Services wants you

Rick Schmitz shares his advice for candidates who are technical experts seeking Managed Services roles.

Culture (4)

Could singing opera make you a better healthcare consultant? Q&A with Shane Magargal

Nordic Senior Consultant Shane Magargal isn't just a healthcare expert; he's also an opera singer. See how he found his passion and balances it with his career.

Culture (4)

How to travel for business and stay healthy, happy, and sane

Are you traveling for business, or thinking about it? Beth Jones, RN, shares tips to stay healthy and happy on the road.

Culture (4)

How I’m pursuing my dream without giving up my consulting job

You don't have to give up your passions when you consult. Read about Ike Glinsmann's journey all over the world -- while maintaining his consulting position.

Culture (4)

Can you consult from a remote island in the middle of the ocean?

If you're thinking about consulting, but you don't have the most traditional lifestyle, Jennifer Novotney's story may be of interest to you.

Culture (4)

How to nurture your passion project while you consult

Consulting with Nordic doesn't have to mean giving up your passions. Learn how Senior Consultant Alicia Pope has turned her love for food into a thriving blog.

Culture (4)

10 pieces of advice for new healthcare consultants

Thinking of becoming a healthcare IT consultant? Here, 10 of our tenured Nordic consultants tell us what they wish they'd known when they started.

Culture (4)

5 ways to tell if a consulting company is “the one”

Nordic Senior Consultant Jessie Gulden shares some tips for knowing if a consulting company is "the one" for you and the differentiators that make it clear.

Culture (4)

Why we really, really love our jobs

Life at Nordic is full of fun, creativity, hard work, and community support. Check out our Life at Nordic videos to understand why we choose to work here.

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