Posts in: Culture (5)

Culture (5)

Recap of expanded Community Giveback Week

Highlights from Nordic's fifth annual Community Giveback Week, including events across Madison and six more regional sites across the country.

Culture (5)

Committing to our communities, a Nordic consultant's viewpoint

Senior Consultant Manoj Budidha shares his experiences with Behind the Book promoting school literacy programs and how Nordic helps support his efforts.

Culture (5)

Think, Act, Adapt with Urgency

In this video, Nordic Senior Consultant Jackie Hoong explains how her team applied Nordic’s maxim, “Think, Act, Adapt with Urgency” to achieve success.

Culture (5)

What the best healthcare IT consultants do at the end of their contracts

Nordic discusses key steps for consultants to take near the end of a contract to prepare for a successful transition to the next one.

Culture (5)

A little bit about Nordic's take on corporate social responsibility

Nordic recently hosted a couple events to raise awareness about its corporate social responsibility program with a focus on hunger, education, and empowerment.

Culture (5)

Converting to Epic Single Billing Office: Observations from Nordic Senior Consultant Blake Sollenberger [Notes from the field]

Blake Sollenberger shares the story of a successful experience with a client implementing Epic’s Single Billing Office (SBO) module.

Culture (5)

What a top 10 college football matchup has to do with healthcare IT consulting

When facing competition and many challenges, you can learn a lot from top football teams about what it takes to make a winning team.

Culture (5)

What is The Ideal Team Player?

A visual summary inspired by Patrick Lencioni's most recent book, The Ideal Team Player, which discusses three main virtues, Humble, Hungry, and Smart.

Culture (5)

You’ve got 1,000 questions; we’ve got answers: Nordic’s collective knowledge sharing tool

Nordic developed Insight, a collective knowledge tool for our employees to ask questions and share answers through a digital platform.

Culture (5)

#NordicGivesBack [4-min. recap]

Last week over 140 Nordic consultants and home office team members participated in Nordic’s Community Giveback Week. Learn more about where we served.

Culture (5)

6 tips for rocking Nordic’s best* maxim: Listen.

Graphic Designer Jenny Dahl participated in a session focused on listening. In the spirit of “Grow. Teach.” we’ll share with you what Jenny shared.

Culture (5)

Join in Nordic’s Community Giveback Week May 16-21, 2016

Nordic's plans for Community Giveback Week. Service projects all over the country from May 16-21, 2016. Why tell you? So you can join us, of course!

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